When I heard raving reviews for Monique’s performance in this movie, I wondered what she had done to win over so many harsh critics. I’ll tell you what she did; she blew that movie out of the water! She took what could have been a cliché wanna be role and made it one of the most amazing performances I have ever seen. This movie is full of performances where they actresses (yes the movie is almost solely women) are so incredibly amazing that you forget who they ever were before this movie. The context of the movie is very mature and should be viewed with a sense of this is based on real life experiences. The author did not live this story but she lived around these kinds of stories and that makes the movie so much more real (as it should :-P). The next role where if I hadn’t known it was her, I would have spent the whole movie going, wow she looks just like Mariah Carey is Mariah Carey. When I was in middle school, I loved Mariah Carey, and I have always thought she is so incredibly beautiful. In this movie she looks like they made her spend a week awake and then forced her to watch every sad movie made in the last 10 years and then said you’re perfect! The main character is a great find for the industry. She is a wonderful sense of life and she portrays a “normal” person going through insanely hard times so well because she is a normal person. All the elements of this story are portrayed in an interesting style. They are all from Precious’ perspective with her doing narration of her thoughts and when bad things happen she goes into her own fantasy world. The way this movie all comes together makes it a fantastic watch. Every single performance is so above par that I bet they must have had a hard time with the award shows, I do not feel that a single act(or)ess in this film did even a remotely mediocre performance. It was that fabulous!
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
As I watched this movie, I kept telling myself to cut it a break, that it was made by and for ignorant men and that I should just roll with it and hope that it gets better. The movie is based on “true” events that happened to the main character Tucker when he takes his best friend out to a strip club for his bachelor party when he tells the fiancé that he won’t, and all the craziest activities of course ensue with him learning a fake lesson and bringing it all in at the end. The problem is this movie is lame. The idea that all this shit really happened exactly this way is preposterous. Now I know that some men can get away with treating people like garbage and they just take it, but I am sorry NO ONE is that cool to address everyone with that kind of ignorant comments and smart ass ways. You can’t harass the bartender, steal other people’s beers and talk the waitress into grinding you while you talk to her without getting kicked out. He basically tells the bartender that he is just jealous that the girl wants him when he tries to kick him out, and so instead they almost fight. The whole premise of this movie is that Tucker is the man and that he is trying to have sex with as many “different” women as she can, i.e. deaf, little person, blind, etc. The storyline is like the Hangover except missing the wolf pack, the song, the talented actors, good storyline, and all around enjoy-ability that is The Hangover. I really enjoyed the best friend Drew whose girlfriend cheats on him with a grill teethed no talent white rapper and has a I hate Women attitude, his lines are very funny, but the overall idea that this is a true story and that this is 100% accurate and true to live is a crock. When I was in Spencer’s the day I rented this movie, I was in the book section where that book was being sold. As I flipped through the awesome book of hilariously inappropriate post cards that I ended up buying, the two guys next to me began talking about this book. One guy tells the other guys that he has got to read this book because it will totally change how you think about partying. Then he goes into how that isn’t the right cover of the book that is the cover of the movie. The D-bag Tucker is famous online for “real life” cool things he has done like getting drunk and losing his pants at the sushi restaurant that just happened to be having a lingerie night. I do not know how people get away with saying something REALLY happened when it is so full of made up crap. I mean I am sure he probably took his friend to a strip club out of state when his fiancé didn’t want him to but the dialogue is a complete joke. Don’t waste your time unless you really want to see a poorly put together piece of fiction. Fish “I Fucking hate this movie, it was painful to watch”
Time Travelers Wife
Sometimes I don’t know how I end up reading or hearing about this critic’s comments or viewers comments, I hardly ever go on IMDB until after I have watched a movie unless I am REALLY excited about it. I don’t really have many friends who talk to me about movies, and I am not super big on keeping up with the tabloids. I get Parade magazine to my inbox because they keep me in the know for Harry Potter :-P The biggest comment I read was about the idea that this adult time traveler goes back in time to see his wife’s 6 year old self. I personally, did not see this in a pedophilia kind of way. I think that if you do there might be something wrong with you, maybe you need to stop watching movies and go see someone, especially when it is a movie about TIME TRAVELING! One of my biggest pet peeves is when the movie is about something so out there and people like to complain that one aspect of it is “unrealistic” or “wrong”, the movie is FICTION! Get over it. As far as the movie goes, I enjoyed it, Fish did not. I thought the way they progressed the story was interesting and the characters were pretty cool. Fish felt that he should have liked the movie a lot but he just didn’t. The overall story is about a wife of a man who travels through time and how she handles this, it also deals with the time traveler and his jumps. It is an interesting story but Fish thinks is was “uneventful”. I think you should see it if it is a cheap rental but I do not plan on rushing out and buying it. It was a good movie but they could have done something amazing with it and it did fall short of that amazing mark. Like a mystery with no mystery to solve, no big struggle or eventful conclusions.
Love Love Jettychan