Monday, January 25, 2010

Wendy and Lucy, 2012, The Lovely Bones, Eden Log, Planet in Peril

Wendy and Lucy’s movie description is so misleading and was an utter let down. Michelle Williams stars in this movie that has won several awards and hailed as “the pleasures of classic storytelling” I can sum the story up in a few sentences “Woman’s car breaks down while moving to Alaska with her dog, woman gets caught stealing and dog gets lost, woman looks for dog, woman realizes that dog is better off with foster family.” The End. It was by far the most pompous movie I have seen in a very long time. The whole time I was watching the movie I hoped it would round out and have a great ending. The back summary calls this a traveling movie, and it is not even close. There is no traveling. What kills me about this movie is that it is obviously made by someone who has never had money problems or had to budget. I am sorry but when you have $600 you do not steal two cans of dog food, you just don’t. Why risk it? They are like 50 cents a can. It’s completely lame. All the characters are bad people except for one person. The movie takes place over a span of two days but it feels like forever, it is drawn out and boring in most places. I do not find this movie realistic in any way shape or form and I have been relatively poor my whole adult life, since I was 14 and moved out and me and Fish started paying for everything. This is the kind of movie where “artistic” people watch it and talk about how “real” it is and what an amazing view of real life it portrays when in fact it is not even close and just because you call it a “politically urgent road movie” does not mean it actually is. The actions do not make sense in real life, there is no logic used in this movie at all. Michelle Williams was very good as a real person however, how hard is it to play a normal person?? I am angry I wasted one of my rentals on this movie.
**UPDATE: Movie written by college professor, and Michelle Williams stayed in her guest house while they filmed it. She must have a fantastic grasp of what it is like to be poor. Having only $600 left to a college Professor must seem like such a little amount of money!**
Eden Log is a sci fi movie about a future where we get energy from tree sap. I enjoyed this movie; however I could not understand most of the dialogue. After the movie was over I found out you can watch it in the original French language. We are a dub hating household so I was very angry that we watched a dubbed movie. It made it seem really bad to us. However, I think if I had seen it in the original language I would have had no complaints about the dialogue. The movie takes place in an underground facility where almost all of the people are dead or turned into these creatures. The camera works is very interesting and they use lighting very effectively in the underground cave scenes. The summary of this movie was a bit misleading as well but it turned out fine because I did like this story very much. Online reviews have many people confused by the ending but I enjoyed it very much. If I purchase this movie I will make sure to watch it in its original form. Dubbed movies suck!
2012 is another end of the world movie, however this one is based on what everyone knows by now: the Mayan prediction of the end of the world in just 2 more years. So, prepare yourselves! The movie is centered around an unsuccessful author and his family as they fight to save their lives as the world is ending. There are some really cool special effects and Woody Harrleson is awesome in this movie as a crazy conspiratist who is finally shown to be right all along! The interesting thing about this movie is that it didn’t seem that farfetched to me. I am not the greatest scientist in the world, I’m an artist by birth, but I love me some science, always have. I still enjoy the old giant meteor coming to destroy the Earth and we have to find a way to save ourselves, even though I think if a meteor was coming they certainly wouldn’t tell us about it. That is one thing that 2012 got spot on, if the world was gonna end they certainly wouldn’t tell the populous, and they would sell the seats to the highest bidder. The science in this movie just seemed to make a lot of sense, it wasn’t like a “we’re gonna drill to the center of the Earth with our magic drill bits that can withstand immeasurable heat” movie, it was a nature is killing man kind of movie and that just makes sense to me. I did like this move, which is saying a lot since Jake Gyllenhal or some other piece of eye candy was not staring in it! ;-) Fish’s complaint: They manage to take off from every single disaster. They were always near feet away from the disasters in all their modes of transportation.
The Lovely Bones. I did not read this book and so maybe that is indeed why I can enjoy this movie. The visuals were beautiful and really made the environments she was stuck in pop. The movie is based around a girl who is killed by a serial killer and she is stuck in the in between until she can make peace in her family. The biggest problem I had was knowing they cut the rape scene out so that Peter Jackson could allow his daughter to watch this movie. That is a lame excuse to take something so big out of the movie. However in the end they do discuss some issues that are much more shocking and scary than that but Im not a father or a director so I have no idea where his mind was. The movie has several pieces that do not make sense and if they happened in the book with no explanation then I cannot imagine it being a good book. The characters act in ways that don’t make sense, there is a very important moment in the movie where time is of the essence and they just kind of sit on it. This kind of hurt the last 30 minutes of the movie for me. The ending is very weird but after I thought about it I liked it very much. If I had read this book, maybe I too would hate the movie and see it as a who dun it mystery with too many special effects, but since I went into this movie knowing that that is what it was going to be, I rather enjoyed it. Not the best movie I have seen recently, but still a pretty good movie.
Planet in Peril is my pick for this movie set. If you missed this CNN documentary you get on down to your local library and rent it. Yes, the library is THE best place to rent movies, they have new movie, foreign movies, documentaries, everything you could want and most libraries have an inter library loan program so you can order it if you library doesn’t have it. I like to get more off documentaries from the library, that and foreign movies, been getting movie from the library since I lived in Troy. This movie is about the awful state of our planet right now. It stars Jeff Corwin, Anderson Cooper, and Dr. Sanjay Gupta as they travel around the globe to show real issues that are affecting our planet. From the illegal trade and slaughter of animals in Taiwan to the deforestation of the rainforest resulting in the most CO2 gases of any place in the world, They tackle as much as they can. They show the effects of global warming on the glaciers that make up Greenland, and the lakes that are now desserts in Africa. The whole show is amazing. It is very heartfelt and the presentation of all these facts makes you want to get up and do something. I love Anderson Cooper, I have since I saw him give up his mike to go help load people in rescue boats in New Orleans. Say what you want, but he doesn’t have to help people but he does because he is a human being. The news is supposed to stat objective but when people were throwing concrete blocks at people he ran in to save an injured child. He has a lot of heart and it is nice to see in the news. Poor Sanjay Gupta though, he is always getting the short end of the stick from getting the swine flu to being in all the sickest places on Earth, but I guess that comes with the doctor territory. The only bad thing about this movie is how helpless you will feel with most of the things. The laws in other countries and how other countries react to these issues, but you will also feel angry about how our country treats our own citizens. I do hope you will all go out and rent this or you can check out more pieces on here:
No matter what you believe, our planet is in trouble right now and it will stay in trouble until everyone makes some drastic changes. So, #1 pick is Planet in Peril

Friday, January 15, 2010

#1 movie MUST SEE EVERYONE!!!!

I, I wish you could swim, Like the dolphins, Like dolphins can swim
Though nothing, Will keep us together, We can beat them
For ever and ever, Oh we can be Heroes, Just for one day

The Cove is an absolute MUST see for everyone in the world. This amazing movie is one of the most powerful movies I have seen in a long time because it shows a truthful picture of the country I hold very dear to my heart. It is no secret that I love Japan, but I take great pride in knowing that Japan is an inherently racist country, that they ban child pornography but sell it in the back alleys of Tokyo. I take pride in knowing that I still love this country even knowing all their bad pieces because I am not an anime loving, I want a Jboy/girl, Hello Kitty obsessive love. Every country is bad but Japan has some of the worst possible atrocities occurring there and it is time someone do something about it. This movie explored Japan’s dolphin slaughtering (and touches on the massive whale slaughtering as well). Japan is a “if I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist” society, you go with the group or you will be ostracized until you join the group. In a small town in Japan call Taiji, they slaughter 23,000 dolphins a year, they capture through torture thousands of dolphins and ship them throughout the world to dolphin trainers the ones that are not chosen are then slaughter and it is covered up by the government, you can watch the dolphin show and eat mercury laced dolphin at the same time. The government buys off countries, sells openly whale and dolphins and act like they are doing nothing wrong. Watching this documentary was heart breaking and infuriating at the same time. It is now out in the open but it is up to us to do something about it. Mercury poison is an awful side effect of polluting the world’s oceans. The government is covering up for a massive mercury poisoning. I really hope that you will all watch this movie and really take it to heart and do something about it. As they say in the movie, if we can’t stop it in one place then there is no way to tackle this worldwide. They openly sell this unsafe fish as well as whales and dolphins. Sometimes they are marketing the dolphin meat as whale meat and selling it to unsuspecting people. They love to say that the whales are being killed by the hundreds for “educational purposes”, they gave the dolphin meat to the school system for free then forced the children to eat all of it. The greatest thing about this movie is that it was literally a special ops style mission, night vision cameras, months of planning to get some of the most honest, horrifying experiences I have ever seen in my life. There are five cameras or so that are hidden in rocks and capture what ended up getting several people fired. The problem is that it starts right back up the start of September until March. Right now they are slaughtering thousand of dolphins. Please watch the movie and check out this website: or you can text Dolphin to 44144

If I could suggest one thing to everyone I know it would be to rent one documentary for every 20 movies you watch. I know this seems like a silly statement but documentaries are the chance for you to see what kinds of things are being hidden from you. Think about how long it took to find out what tobacco does to people, these movies show you what it going on all over the world in every facet of life, from the food you eat to the water you drink. If everyone followed this one rule then the world would be a better place. Get out there and get informed and DO something!

Jennifers Body, Adam, 500 Days of Summer, All About Steve

Jennifer’s Body,
I saw this preview 4 times before I rented it. It seemed every movie I rented had a preview and it just looked so stupid. It was voted one of the worst movies of 2009, stars Megan Fox and that pretty much guarantees a funny movie. It was supposed to be Wicker Man funny even! However, no matter how hard they tried to make the next Evil Dead, including references in posters and t shirts in the movie, this movie was a good movie. There were a few stupid parts but even the most gratuitous looking part, a girl on girl scene, makes sense when you step back and look at the ending of that scene and the overall lesson from the event, it all makes sense. I know this movie was trying hard to be the next great cult classic but it failed miserably. You can’t set out to make an Evil Dead (original not the second one) or a Wicker Man (the second one not the original), they just happen. That is what makes them great. The wonderful thing about this movie is that it has a good story actually and a great ending. Not the typical Hollywood cliché ending. It is actually very interesting how they intertwined the emotional dependence into the story and made a really good movie. The worst part is that people go into this movie wanting it to be something it isn’t, and then they don’t want to admit that the movie is actually good. They don’t want to admit that Megan Fox wasn’t half bad as an evil possessed girl. They don’t want to admit that the movie was more than they expected. Well I am not tied to that kind of limitations. I have no one standing over me feeding me what I should think, feel or say. I do not care if someone knows I like this movie. Every time the thought even comes close to crossing my mind that I might care what someone thinks about my opinion of a movie I remember seeing the Matrix with Kris and his friends, when we left the theater it was complete silence, so I said “Well I like it” that just broke these guys up and one of them started talking about how stupid it was and how it reminded him of an old Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs kept pulling off the masks he was wearing to reveal that everyone was Bug Bunny. Shortly after this, The Matrix became a huge hit and then all of a sudden no one said anything bad about that movie. So, I liked this movie, I liked the ending. I even liked the lame high school acting. I like it. I went in wanting to see a funny movie but instead got a pleasant surprise. I like it.

Adam was exactly what I wanted. It was heartwarming and has an ending you won’t expect. The movie is based around a man who has Aspergers Syndrome; this is a type of autism where the person is not able to instinctively react to situations and emotions. They have to be taught and it causes issue where they do not know how to act, often leading to misinterpreted reactions. They cannot lie and thusly causes lots of hurt feelings. When Adam meets Beth, he is unable to express himself or act like a boyfriend should. The actions in the movie make you feel connected to Adam and feel deeply when he is struggling. The movie follows his relationship with Beth as it grows and also Beth’s life outside of Adam. The movie is very, very good. I have read that the movie is not like every Aspie as each person is different but I have heard that many people have the same kind of issues as Adam. There are several really funny parts in this movie along with several really sad parts. The whole time Adam looks the exact same, it is a very charming movie and will make you fall in love with Adam. I also liked the Sundance Ending as well, it was shorter but it was still very nice. I think everyone should see this movie!
Paranormal Activity Blu Ray with Original Ending
As you may have seen from my status update a while back I saw this in the theater with Steph and Taylor. I will never go to another horror movie in the theater without Steph. I just love her so much! This movie is about a Mika and Katie, a couple who have started to record their life after some strange events start happening in their house. The movie is shot on a hand held camera (albeit a professional one) and gives the feeling that you are watching a documentary. The movie has several jumpy parts and it is scary in that you are constantly wondering what is going to happen. They play the movie in speed up mode and slow it down when something is going to happen. All you can see is the darkness through the open doorway, this is a big fear of mine, so all doors in my house must be partially shut when it is time for bed. The regular speed parts are creepy because you are looking all over the place trying not to miss something, trying to brace yourself for something scary. Then when something does happen it isn’t what you expected and you jump or you are at least startled. The best part of my theater experience was Steph is a movie talker. Normally I get pissed when people talk during movies but Steph was just too funny and too sweet to be upset with. She was always going “What are you doing?” “Don’t do that!” “Oh something is going to happen!” then the ending scared her so much she screamed and when they put up the final writing at the end she goes “No Way!” it was just so classic, that when I re-watched the theatrical ending on Blu Ray I had to say “No Way!” or it just didn’t work for me! :-P The original ending is so very good, it makes the theatrical ending look like crap. I understand that they felt like they needed a more Hollywood scary ending but the original ending made more sense and was just all around better. So pick up the movie and tell me which on you liked better. The movie is very good!
500 Days of Summer
There are certain movies out there that are made for people who enjoy artistic ideas and productions where the story is very simple but the way it is created is not. That would be this movie. It is not artistic in a Moulin Rouge way but it is definitely a creative movie. The movie is about Tom who has been waiting his whole life for his one true love and Summer who has not. Tom believes that Summer is his one true love and basically Summer does not as she doesn’t believe in love. The movie jumps back and forth between when they were happy in love and when he is depressed over their break up. It is quirky and it is delightful to me. The story is lacking to me but I think the overall set up and showing of the movie more than make up for it. It is a boy meets girl, girl plays hard to get, boy keeps trying, boy loses girl because he never had her in the first place type movie. It stars Joey Gordon Levitte, whom I had a very big crush on when I was younger, and Zooey Deschanel who I absolutely love in everything. So it is very off beat, not your normal love movie and they even say in the beginning that it is NOT a love story. My favorite part is even before the movie starts the very opening credits say Authors Note The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Black Screen. Especially you Jenny Beckman. Black Screen. Bitch. How funny is that! So the whole movie you have to wonder what this woman did to deserve that kind of entry. You should all watch it, it is very interesting.
All About Steve
Another movie voted worst of 2009, supposed to be stupid, poorly acted and lacking a good plot. However, I do not think this movie matched those items either. Again I went in expecting crap, perhaps if I had went into this wanting something really funny with Sandra Bullock, like Miss Congeniality or The Proposal then I would have been let down. As it is I was not expecting that so I enjoyed the movie. It is a nice rental movie and since I have a Blockbuster pass and can rent as many movies as I want 2 at a time it didn’t hurt me at all. The previews for this movie make it out to be something it is not but that is ok. It bothers Fish but to me if they showed you what it actually is then you wouldn’t be surprised. The movie is not amazing. It isn’t spectacularly funny but it is not awful. It is exactly what it sets out to be a romantic comedy about an odd girl. I rather enjoyed it and if you don’t expect too much you probably will as well.
As Always come on here and tell me what you think of these movies or recommend your own for me to pick up! Love Love Jettychan

District 9 is awesome, also Extract, Paper Heart and Julie and Julia

District 9
Have you ever heard about a movie, saw previews for a movie, even read the back of the movie and yet still be surprised when it blindsides you and comes out as so much more than you ever could have expected? This is how I truly feel about District 9, I read the back and was so worried that it was about a human who finds an alien weapon and then is alone with them being hunted in their shanty towns, I am happy to report that this is not what it is about. This movie is so amazingly well done I feel as if I am not even qualified to talk about it. When we rented this movie Fish said “After Avatar I bet it sucks” and I commented that it was probably not in the same category as Avatar and I was partly right. District 9 takes the stance of what if Aliens landed on Earth and ended up being dominated by us, forced to live in shanty towns and are now being evicted to a concentration camp setting. The aliens come to a stop over Johannesburg in South Africa. The movie has direct parallels to the political situation in South Africa but the director wanted it first and foremost to be a good Sci-fi action movie. He did a great job, the movie is produced by Peter Jackson (like you don’t know that he made Lord of the Rings!) and came from the failed attempt to make a Halo movie (THANK GOD!). The movie follows a worker at MNU the organization that is put in control of alien affairs. Several back stories were thrown around while writing this movie but generally the director said that he believed that a virus spread through the ship killing all the intelligent commanding aliens and left only the worker aliens, who fell to Earth and were destitute so MNU was organized to take care of them but have now become a huge weapons dealer as well. The main character Wikus goes through many levels of characterization in this movie and you follow suit with several emotional responses to him. The special effects are again very well done in this movie. The aliens called “Prawns” are so incredibly well made; they look like they could walk right off the screen! They shot it in a real shanty town where ironically the residents had been evicted from! They used real environments and props as much as possible. They even shot it in an old radiation hanger that still held two bombs!! However, it is the overall story that sells this movie to me. I thoroughly enjoyed it. However if you have a squeamish stomach or don’t like blood you better prepare yourself for this movie. There is a lot of blood and a lot of violence but it all makes sense to the story. The movie shows how we would act if aliens really did show up on our doorstep and the ending is perfect! I loved it! It is intelligent and it is involving and effective.
Mike Judge is the man, I am not denying that. He has made some fantastic movies and cartoon series. I think he is a genius, disagree? See Idiocracy! He makes poignant, witty, and funny movies/shows. Extract is about an extract factory and it is much like Office Space except set in a factory. Jason Bateman stars as a frustrated owner who invented an addition to extract to make it taste as good as before it is heated. The movie has Mila Kunis as a con artist woman who is playing all the guys in the movie. Also Ben Afflect is in the movie as the drug supplying best friend. Overall the movie is a smile movie, some funny parts but nothing made me laugh out loud. No LOLs for me :-P I laughed more at the previews for When in Rome with Kristen Bell than the actual movie. Now it is not a bad movie, I want to stress that, it just isn’t as good as his other works. So, check it out if you just want to smile and see Ben Afflect with long hair! :-P

Paper Heart:
I watched this movie a while ago and forgot to write a review. This movie is a documentary about how Charlyne Yi doesn’t believe in love and how she travels across the country to find out if love really exists. She interviews all different kinds of people in all different states. Along the way she meets Michael Cera and they don’t really hit it off but as time goes on they get together. They are pretty prefect together and many people hate this movie because Charlyne is just a normal girl, there is nothing special or particularly gorgeous about her. She is a comedian and so is he. They both play music and they get along great. It is a movie that is incredibly charming. They were really dating (supposedly) and it is very sweet. According to her they never dated but from the movie they look super cute. The movie has some very funny parts and Charlyne is quite the artist and has segments of handmade puppets as well. Overall this is a great little movie; you should all go see it.
Julie and Julia:
Good Movie, Amy Adams is always a joy! Meryl Streep is always wonderful! The movie is made from two books that are combining the story of Julia Child’s journey to learn to cook and then Julie who over 50 years later decides to blog about her attempt to cook all Julia’s recipes in 365 days. :-P The movie switches back and forth between the two stories and Amy Adams and Meryl Streep are never in the same scenes ever. In fact it isn’t until the end of the movie that their lived ever come into contact at all with each other. The movie is funny and has a lot of charm. It has humor; Meryl is very, very funny with her gruff voice and boorish American attitude. It is a good rental and you should pick it up if you get a chance.
So, over all the ratings would be District 9= FANTASTIC! Extract= Alright, but nothing special; Paper Heart= Pretty Good in an artsy sort of way; Julie and Julia= Good movie, great stars

Funny People, Moon, Princess and the Frog, Previews BE GONE!

So this is a long time coming, I have been watching quite a few movies that require you to stay as far away from a previews as possible, they are all very good movies, some of them are FANTASTIC movies, Moon made by Duncan Jones (AKA DAVID BOWIE’S SON!!!!) is fantastic, it centers around a man who is stationed on the moon, luckily I had seen a short preview which included the song from The Fountain (like EVERY other preview EVER made) but I had completely forgotten about it when I saw the movie, thank God! The preview completely gives away so much and so it is the same for both Funny People and for the Princess and the Frog, both very good movies. Funny People stars Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen, which my friend Rich hatefully refers to as the “fat kid”, I personally enjoy Adam Sandler’s serious movies, I love them in fact and funny people is no different, much like Spanglish it includes areas where you laugh and probably more than Spanglish as this centers around a group of comedians and there are some REALLY funny parts, but it is not Superbad, it is not 40 Year Old Virgin and even though it is a Judd Apatow film, it is not roll around, dick and fart joke comedy, it does however have a nice little story and a good ending. The next movie is one I have been waiting a long time to see, a couple years in fact from the very first rumor, that would be the Princess and the Frog. Now, everywhere I look I see nothing but reviews about how racist the movie is, well I saw this on the WEST side of my City, like 5 blocks from the projects, and I was the ONLY white person in there, literally the only one. I saw the early show (4:10) so it was mainly families and not a single person in there left biiiit… I mean complaining about the movie like all these people online are. Now the time period is set in the Jazz Age Era and includes a wide variety of characters much like every other Disney film. When I watched the movie, I paid particular attention to if it was overtly offensive and racist and the closest thing I saw was actually the white characters in the movie, but considering the location and period of the piece they made perfect sense. I find it funny simply because it is black actors who play these roles and if it was a live action period piece no one would say anything. The kids that left that theater, primarily girls, looked very happy, and I must say if I was a child I would look up to the lessons that Princess and the Frog teaches and I think Tiana may be my favorite Princess.She has spunk, she is super beautiful, and she is a good role model, none of this I need to find me a man crap, a good hard working girl! The movie has a lot of songs, but none that are as catchy as the early Disney of my childhood. The animation is very well done and the colors are beautiful, but I would expect nothing less from John Lasseter, plus I am a sucker for John Goodman and his jolly, giant Southern Gentleman was excellent. :-P As Fish says “A great movie in terms of not sucking” So, all in all two great movies and one fantastic movie. DON’T watch the previews just take my word for it and go see them! ^_^ Love Love Jettychan

Watched alot of movies but Ink is a MUST SEE!

You must be thinking to yourself that I have not been watching any movies recently as I havent posted in awhile, well au contraire mon frere . I have watched TONS of movies and Ugly Truth was funny, My Sisters Keeper was great, and even Not Quite Hollywood Quentin Tarantino's movie about Ozpoltation films (Australian Exploitation films) was very, very good and made my list of old movies I need to find so much longer. However I watched Ink last night and I had to write about it here. Ink is one of those movies that will become a huge cult film, I see it like I see my first time watching Donnie Darko. There's nothing quite like it. This movie has an amazing artistic quality to it, the environments are superbly created and the acting is on par with the best in the business. The little girl was a hard sell for me as I had just watched Abigail Breslin in My Sisters Keeper, but I think when you consider it is her first film, she held her own. The VERY basic premise is that when we sleep there are people who give us dream and people who give us nightmares. When a drifter in the other world steals a little girl to try and become a full fledged Incubus (so he can be numb), it is up to the dream givers to get her back by forcing her dad to be a man. The cinematography is great and the use of movement to transition between scenes is highly entertaining. The best part for me about this movie is that it is 100% independent, they got tired of being ignored by studios so they made it themselves, and they did a superb job! It is dark and gritty and it is light and inviting. As every movie gooer knows however it is the soundtrack that makes you feel. The world has a beat and this movie has it too. There are times when you feel like you are watching a student film, a highly engaging top notch A+ film mind you, but you feel this way because you are not getting hit over the head with special effects. Think old Stars Wars not new Star Wars. This is because they went through the effort with this film as you can see with the behind the scenes (of which they only give you part of for now) they went the long way with this film, they made the props, they devised clever cinematographic tricks. It keeps you going to the very end. All in all this movie is fantastic and I recommend going out and renting it, when you do come on here and tell me what you think. This movie should show you that you need to do what you believe in and not wait around for someone else to allow you to do it! Check it out!
Love Love Jettychan

Check out the trailer

Nothing Like the Holidays- nothing remarkable but not bad at all

I enjoy John Leguizamo quite a bit so when I saw a preview for a movie with a large cast of funny Latin actors I thought it looked funny. After watching the movie, it was not really that funny, there were a several funny jabs but nothing like I imagined, which may be why I like it. This story is about a Puerto Rican family that is celebrating the holidays together with a son that just got back from Iraq, and daughter who moved to LA to be an actress, and a business man son who married a white girl and doesn't have any children yet (which I guess for Puerto Ricans is almost a sin against God :-P) and since it was directed by the same person as Barbershop and Babershop2, I figured it would be filled with pieces that are ethnically specific with the one white girl (Debra Messing in this case) being the butt of all the jokes, but I was pleasantly surprised. There isn't anything super remarkable with this movie, nothing that you cant see coming if you are paying attention, but I can say that I liked this movie. I will not be rushing out to buy it, but it is definitely worth a rent. It doesn't have the slap stick, family fighting holiday gimmicks of most other Christmas movies. The timing is a bit slow and it seems more like it would be a good play with scene changes in it, but as a movie it is quite nice. Check it out if you are in the mood for an non form based Christmas movie. Mazel Tov!

View: Full | Compact * My Notes * Notes About Me * Drafts Maybe its the Jew in me, but I enjoyed Adam Resurrected

I watch a lot of movies, maybe it is due to the fact that when I was a child and VHS tapes were a new thing, my dad had over 500 movies, he ran the movie rental shop in the smallest town ever, Millersburgh, IL where I grew up until 6th grade. However, it is very hard to find a movie I truly dislike and perhaps that is why I find movie reviews so utterly infuriating. Reviews are so pompous, so elitist, so ridiculous most of the time, as if the critic knows all there is to know about everything and could have made a better movie with his eye closed. Here is how movie time goes at my house, PS3 playing DVD or Blu Ray, laying on the couch and relaxing, movie plays, credits start to roll, before the final pieces about what production houses, distributors, or other companies logos appear, Kris is at the computer on IMDB to see reviews, questions and other insights into human stupidity. Now, most of you were not on my myspace, I used to write update blogs with the movies I had recently watched but I have never done that on here, however I had a friend ask me for movie recommendations and I realized that I hate giving them to people cause sometimes people just suck! It takes a lot, as I said, for me to hate a movie and thus I have an open mind and enjoy movies that others find weird, out there, or even boring. I am an artist through to my soul and I enjoy a beautiful movie. So, thusly, I have decided to discuss my movies I watch in little notes that are not to be brought up if you hated the movie, suck it up and try to enjoy something out of your comfort zone and for Gods sake DON'T come to me with your pompous, high dialect, intelligence reaching tripe! So without of further ado, I watched Adam Resurrected about a Holocaust survivor, who was the most famous circus entertainer in all of Germany, who now lives in a mental hospital on the middle of the dessert. It is told through flashback which is a favorite of mine and has a very nice soundtrack with it. However, it must be the Jew in me that enjoys this movie, cause it seems everyone else in the world hates it. It has Jeff Goldblum in the lead as Adam and I have a soft spot in my heart for Mr. Goldblum. So, if you enjoy a movie that is full of action, explosions, slow motion girls running and looks as if it was made by a 13 year old, see Transformers 2, if you want to see something that you cant take at face value, see Adam Resurrected. Either way, this is my note on my movie I just finished. Enjoy! Love Love Jettychan