Jennifer’s Body,
I saw this preview 4 times before I rented it. It seemed every movie I rented had a preview and it just looked so stupid. It was voted one of the worst movies of 2009, stars Megan Fox and that pretty much guarantees a funny movie. It was supposed to be Wicker Man funny even! However, no matter how hard they tried to make the next Evil Dead, including references in posters and t shirts in the movie, this movie was a good movie. There were a few stupid parts but even the most gratuitous looking part, a girl on girl scene, makes sense when you step back and look at the ending of that scene and the overall lesson from the event, it all makes sense. I know this movie was trying hard to be the next great cult classic but it failed miserably. You can’t set out to make an Evil Dead (original not the second one) or a Wicker Man (the second one not the original), they just happen. That is what makes them great. The wonderful thing about this movie is that it has a good story actually and a great ending. Not the typical Hollywood cliché ending. It is actually very interesting how they intertwined the emotional dependence into the story and made a really good movie. The worst part is that people go into this movie wanting it to be something it isn’t, and then they don’t want to admit that the movie is actually good. They don’t want to admit that Megan Fox wasn’t half bad as an evil possessed girl. They don’t want to admit that the movie was more than they expected. Well I am not tied to that kind of limitations. I have no one standing over me feeding me what I should think, feel or say. I do not care if someone knows I like this movie. Every time the thought even comes close to crossing my mind that I might care what someone thinks about my opinion of a movie I remember seeing the Matrix with Kris and his friends, when we left the theater it was complete silence, so I said “Well I like it” that just broke these guys up and one of them started talking about how stupid it was and how it reminded him of an old Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs kept pulling off the masks he was wearing to reveal that everyone was Bug Bunny. Shortly after this, The Matrix became a huge hit and then all of a sudden no one said anything bad about that movie. So, I liked this movie, I liked the ending. I even liked the lame high school acting. I like it. I went in wanting to see a funny movie but instead got a pleasant surprise. I like it.
Adam was exactly what I wanted. It was heartwarming and has an ending you won’t expect. The movie is based around a man who has Aspergers Syndrome; this is a type of autism where the person is not able to instinctively react to situations and emotions. They have to be taught and it causes issue where they do not know how to act, often leading to misinterpreted reactions. They cannot lie and thusly causes lots of hurt feelings. When Adam meets Beth, he is unable to express himself or act like a boyfriend should. The actions in the movie make you feel connected to Adam and feel deeply when he is struggling. The movie follows his relationship with Beth as it grows and also Beth’s life outside of Adam. The movie is very, very good. I have read that the movie is not like every Aspie as each person is different but I have heard that many people have the same kind of issues as Adam. There are several really funny parts in this movie along with several really sad parts. The whole time Adam looks the exact same, it is a very charming movie and will make you fall in love with Adam. I also liked the Sundance Ending as well, it was shorter but it was still very nice. I think everyone should see this movie!
Paranormal Activity Blu Ray with Original Ending
As you may have seen from my status update a while back I saw this in the theater with Steph and Taylor. I will never go to another horror movie in the theater without Steph. I just love her so much! This movie is about a Mika and Katie, a couple who have started to record their life after some strange events start happening in their house. The movie is shot on a hand held camera (albeit a professional one) and gives the feeling that you are watching a documentary. The movie has several jumpy parts and it is scary in that you are constantly wondering what is going to happen. They play the movie in speed up mode and slow it down when something is going to happen. All you can see is the darkness through the open doorway, this is a big fear of mine, so all doors in my house must be partially shut when it is time for bed. The regular speed parts are creepy because you are looking all over the place trying not to miss something, trying to brace yourself for something scary. Then when something does happen it isn’t what you expected and you jump or you are at least startled. The best part of my theater experience was Steph is a movie talker. Normally I get pissed when people talk during movies but Steph was just too funny and too sweet to be upset with. She was always going “What are you doing?” “Don’t do that!” “Oh something is going to happen!” then the ending scared her so much she screamed and when they put up the final writing at the end she goes “No Way!” it was just so classic, that when I re-watched the theatrical ending on Blu Ray I had to say “No Way!” or it just didn’t work for me! :-P The original ending is so very good, it makes the theatrical ending look like crap. I understand that they felt like they needed a more Hollywood scary ending but the original ending made more sense and was just all around better. So pick up the movie and tell me which on you liked better. The movie is very good!
500 Days of Summer
There are certain movies out there that are made for people who enjoy artistic ideas and productions where the story is very simple but the way it is created is not. That would be this movie. It is not artistic in a Moulin Rouge way but it is definitely a creative movie. The movie is about Tom who has been waiting his whole life for his one true love and Summer who has not. Tom believes that Summer is his one true love and basically Summer does not as she doesn’t believe in love. The movie jumps back and forth between when they were happy in love and when he is depressed over their break up. It is quirky and it is delightful to me. The story is lacking to me but I think the overall set up and showing of the movie more than make up for it. It is a boy meets girl, girl plays hard to get, boy keeps trying, boy loses girl because he never had her in the first place type movie. It stars Joey Gordon Levitte, whom I had a very big crush on when I was younger, and Zooey Deschanel who I absolutely love in everything. So it is very off beat, not your normal love movie and they even say in the beginning that it is NOT a love story. My favorite part is even before the movie starts the very opening credits say Authors Note The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Black Screen. Especially you Jenny Beckman. Black Screen. Bitch. How funny is that! So the whole movie you have to wonder what this woman did to deserve that kind of entry. You should all watch it, it is very interesting.
All About Steve
Another movie voted worst of 2009, supposed to be stupid, poorly acted and lacking a good plot. However, I do not think this movie matched those items either. Again I went in expecting crap, perhaps if I had went into this wanting something really funny with Sandra Bullock, like Miss Congeniality or The Proposal then I would have been let down. As it is I was not expecting that so I enjoyed the movie. It is a nice rental movie and since I have a Blockbuster pass and can rent as many movies as I want 2 at a time it didn’t hurt me at all. The previews for this movie make it out to be something it is not but that is ok. It bothers Fish but to me if they showed you what it actually is then you wouldn’t be surprised. The movie is not amazing. It isn’t spectacularly funny but it is not awful. It is exactly what it sets out to be a romantic comedy about an odd girl. I rather enjoyed it and if you don’t expect too much you probably will as well.
As Always come on here and tell me what you think of these movies or recommend your own for me to pick up! Love Love Jettychan
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