I, I wish you could swim, Like the dolphins, Like dolphins can swim
Though nothing, Will keep us together, We can beat them
For ever and ever, Oh we can be Heroes, Just for one day
The Cove is an absolute MUST see for everyone in the world. This amazing movie is one of the most powerful movies I have seen in a long time because it shows a truthful picture of the country I hold very dear to my heart. It is no secret that I love Japan, but I take great pride in knowing that Japan is an inherently racist country, that they ban child pornography but sell it in the back alleys of Tokyo. I take pride in knowing that I still love this country even knowing all their bad pieces because I am not an anime loving, I want a Jboy/girl, Hello Kitty obsessive love. Every country is bad but Japan has some of the worst possible atrocities occurring there and it is time someone do something about it. This movie explored Japan’s dolphin slaughtering (and touches on the massive whale slaughtering as well). Japan is a “if I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist” society, you go with the group or you will be ostracized until you join the group. In a small town in Japan call Taiji, they slaughter 23,000 dolphins a year, they capture through torture thousands of dolphins and ship them throughout the world to dolphin trainers the ones that are not chosen are then slaughter and it is covered up by the government, you can watch the dolphin show and eat mercury laced dolphin at the same time. The government buys off countries, sells openly whale and dolphins and act like they are doing nothing wrong. Watching this documentary was heart breaking and infuriating at the same time. It is now out in the open but it is up to us to do something about it. Mercury poison is an awful side effect of polluting the world’s oceans. The government is covering up for a massive mercury poisoning. I really hope that you will all watch this movie and really take it to heart and do something about it. As they say in the movie, if we can’t stop it in one place then there is no way to tackle this worldwide. They openly sell this unsafe fish as well as whales and dolphins. Sometimes they are marketing the dolphin meat as whale meat and selling it to unsuspecting people. They love to say that the whales are being killed by the hundreds for “educational purposes”, they gave the dolphin meat to the school system for free then forced the children to eat all of it. The greatest thing about this movie is that it was literally a special ops style mission, night vision cameras, months of planning to get some of the most honest, horrifying experiences I have ever seen in my life. There are five cameras or so that are hidden in rocks and capture what ended up getting several people fired. The problem is that it starts right back up the start of September until March. Right now they are slaughtering thousand of dolphins. Please watch the movie and check out this website: http://www.takepart.com/thecove or you can text Dolphin to 44144
If I could suggest one thing to everyone I know it would be to rent one documentary for every 20 movies you watch. I know this seems like a silly statement but documentaries are the chance for you to see what kinds of things are being hidden from you. Think about how long it took to find out what tobacco does to people, these movies show you what it going on all over the world in every facet of life, from the food you eat to the water you drink. If everyone followed this one rule then the world would be a better place. Get out there and get informed and DO something!
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