I watch a lot of movies, maybe it is due to the fact that when I was a child and VHS tapes were a new thing, my dad had over 500 movies, he ran the movie rental shop in the smallest town ever, Millersburgh, IL where I grew up until 6th grade. However, it is very hard to find a movie I truly dislike and perhaps that is why I find movie reviews so utterly infuriating. Reviews are so pompous, so elitist, so ridiculous most of the time, as if the critic knows all there is to know about everything and could have made a better movie with his eye closed. Here is how movie time goes at my house, PS3 playing DVD or Blu Ray, laying on the couch and relaxing, movie plays, credits start to roll, before the final pieces about what production houses, distributors, or other companies logos appear, Kris is at the computer on IMDB to see reviews, questions and other insights into human stupidity. Now, most of you were not on my myspace, I used to write update blogs with the movies I had recently watched but I have never done that on here, however I had a friend ask me for movie recommendations and I realized that I hate giving them to people cause sometimes people just suck! It takes a lot, as I said, for me to hate a movie and thus I have an open mind and enjoy movies that others find weird, out there, or even boring. I am an artist through to my soul and I enjoy a beautiful movie. So, thusly, I have decided to discuss my movies I watch in little notes that are not to be brought up if you hated the movie, suck it up and try to enjoy something out of your comfort zone and for Gods sake DON'T come to me with your pompous, high dialect, intelligence reaching tripe! So without of further ado, I watched Adam Resurrected about a Holocaust survivor, who was the most famous circus entertainer in all of Germany, who now lives in a mental hospital on the middle of the dessert. It is told through flashback which is a favorite of mine and has a very nice soundtrack with it. However, it must be the Jew in me that enjoys this movie, cause it seems everyone else in the world hates it. It has Jeff Goldblum in the lead as Adam and I have a soft spot in my heart for Mr. Goldblum. So, if you enjoy a movie that is full of action, explosions, slow motion girls running and looks as if it was made by a 13 year old, see Transformers 2, if you want to see something that you cant take at face value, see Adam Resurrected. Either way, this is my note on my movie I just finished. Enjoy! Love Love Jettychan
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